How to Help Someone Suffering From Anxiety?

We all fret, get anxious, and worry about little things in our life. But those suffering from mental health problems such as anxiety and depression experience catastrophic episodes. At times, it is hard to relate to the agonizing experiences and irrational behavior. As a result, many people end up distancing themselves from people who either have anxiety or depression. 

People are also dismissive of those who experience anxiety. You may be able to notice behavioral changes but you don’t necessarily recognize what the person is dealing with. So, it is vital to be considerate about someone’s mental health condition, even if nothing makes sense to you. Here are some best ways to support your best friend, family member, or general acquaintance suffering from anxiety. 

Recognize the Signs of Anxiety

The most common physical symptoms of anxiety are sweating, nausea, diarrhea, shortness of breath, restlessness, and fatigue. By recognizing these signs yucca easily figure out whether your friend or relative is having an anxiety attack or not. At the same time, you also have to watch out for symptoms such as persistent worry, negative attitude, overgeneralizing, seeking refuge in a room, and avoiding all social gatherings. 

These signs will help you analyze whether a person is suffering from anxiety or not. Also, once you feel there is a significant behavior change, you can easily walk up to that person and help them divert their mind from the existing scenario. If you feel the situation is worsening over time, don't forget to get in touch with a health care clinic instantly. For the same, you can Google the best health care clinic near me or seek opinions from those who have already received treatment for anxiety. 

Do Not Force Confrontation

If your friend is suffering from anxiety, do not push them to talk to you. Trying to push someone who's not ready to talk will only make the situation worse. Let your friend stay in solitude for a brief moment and check-in on your friend when the situation has simmered down. If you feel the situation has gotten out of hand, intervene immediately, and seek professional help. This will help you take the burden off your shoulders. 

Provide Validation

Different triggers make people anxious. Either you can help them stay miles away from those triggers. Or else, help them build confidence through consistent validation. For instance, you can ask them how to provide love and support during challenging times. 

Do not belittle a person's bad experience by saying something like how are you upset over such a small thing. This will not only ruin your relationship with the person but worsen the anxiety. So, do something that helps them feel validated and good about themselves all the time. Moreover, be supportive and understanding because anxiety patients are in dire need of an understanding and sensitive partner. 

Learn When to Seek Help

If you feel that anxiety has snatched every bit of joy from your friend or relative. Encourage them to visit a healthcare clinic. You can Google a health care clinic near me. If they resist, remind them that it's just one appointment. Tell them that they do not have to commit to the treatment and they can take as much time required to take a final decision. 


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