Men’s Hormone Replacement Therapy- A Cure For Hormonal Imbalance

One can only enjoy life to the fullest when one is in good health. As we age, our body starts experiencing various hormonal changes which hamper the normal functioning of the body. Testosterone is a hormone which is responsible for innumerable male characteristics. This hormone usually decreases with age. The effects are drastic when men reach middle age. It is responsible for the development of secondary characteristics. Not only this, but its low level affect the function of other organs. The levels of testosterone give rise to other hormonal imbalances that might be mild but in some, can be severe. What is the normal level of testosterone? The normal range of testosterone varies between 250 and 1100ng/dL in males. The level of the testosterone can be determined simply through a blood test. What are the symptoms of low testosterone? If you are experiencing underline symptoms, then you might be suffering from low testosterone level. • Change in sl...