Do you know whether women hormone replacement therapy is right for? Read on to find out.

Every woman experiences menopause aka the end of a woman’s fertility. It is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 months. While the process may be gradual and doesn’t occur instantly, women suffering from menopause seek medical assistance to alleviate the symptoms and lead better, healthier lives. Perhaps you should consider the option hormone replacement therapy. But before you do, it is imperative for you to be clear about the subject so that you can improve your chances of making a swift recovery. What is Menopause? Menopause is the shifting of the hormone produced naturally that most women experience between 45 to 51 of age. During this phase, the periods stop along with ceasing the ability to conceive. Initially, every woman experience per menopause which is the precursor to the full menopause, for many years and at this time you will also see many changes in your body. A wide array of changes comes with menopause and reason behind this is that e...